‘State-of-the-Art’ Review Sows Confusion About Saturated Fats

Picture of Matthew Madore

Matthew Madore

Writer at My Nutrition Science

Our Team


Recently, The Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) published a state-of-the-art review entitled, “Saturated Fats and Health: A Reassessment and Proposal for Food-Based Recommendations.” The authors presented the argument that current evidence does not support the dietary guidelines recommendations to limit saturated fatty acid (SFA) intake to less than 10% of daily calories to prevent common chronic diseases, most notably cardiovascular disease (CVD). They remark that although SFAs raise low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), this is due to increases in large (and not smaller, dense) particles, which are not as strongly related to CVD risk. Further, they exclaim that not all fatty acid sources impart similar health effects due to differences in their overall structure and the complex matrices of the given food. They explicitly emphasize that dark chocolate, unprocessed meat, and whole-fat dairy are not associated with CVD risk and recommendations to limit their intake solely due to their SFA content are unsubstantiated1. Although some sentiments they offer are agreeable, and despite their claims otherwise, the totality of available evidence does not support many of their arguments. Accordingly, their publication will likely cause more confusion to the American population already struggling to decide whom they can trust among the disordered field of nutritional science, resulting in more harm than benefit.

Key Takeaways

1. Authors of this JACC State of the Art review state that the United States’ Dietary Guideline recommendations to reduce saturated fat are not justified due to the existence of evidence suggesting it may not increase the risk of CVD.

  • The trials and meta-analyses they discuss are laden with critical flaws that go overlooked, including adjustment for a moderator variable (LDL cholesterol), a small overall variance in saturated fat intake, inclusion of multiple cohorts with intakes predominately above or below the threshold where the majority of the increase in CVD risk is observed, failure to disclose review protocols, and inclusion of only CVD mortality metrics.
  • Consistent evidence from dozens of RCTs and meta-analyses of prospective cohorts including millions of participants has confirmed the role of saturated fat in increasing CVD risk, and the benefit of replacing it with PUFAs and high quality carbohydrates.

2. It is repeatedly mentioned that replacing dietary saturated fat with carbohydrates does not decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease, and may even increase it, along with the risk of metabolic syndrome. Subsequently, it is implied that carbohydrates are of greater concern with respect to CVD and type 2 diabetes.

  • Despite continually admonishing the creators of the dietary guidelines for failing to distinguish between nutrients, the foods that provide them, and the corresponding impacts they have on health, the authors do exactly that with these remarks by choosing not to mention these associations are restrained to refined carbohydrates, and mostly in the context of diets also high in saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol.
  • This rhetoric inappropriately instills a fear of carbohydrates in the reader due to their perceived negative impact on health. Such claims are highly misleading given that many foods rich in carbohydrates, such as legumes, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, offer a myriad of health benefits and reduce the risk of CVD, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, and many other common diseases.
  • Current recommendations clearly emphasize replacing saturated fat with PUFAs, MUFAs, and/or unrefined carbohydrates, so this discussion is tangential and unproductive.

3. Authors postulate that reduction of LDL through diet cannot be inferred to result in CVD benefit with having the means to assess other biological effects that accompany it. They then bring up cases where increases or decreases in LDL aren’t reflected in the corresponding changes in risks of CVD in an attempt to strengthen their case. Finally, they suggest that despite these points, saturated fat reduction doesn’t decrease the concentration of plasma sdLDL, which has a stronger association with CVD, and therefore can’t be assumed to reduce risk.

  • Irrespective of having a means to assess the biological effects coinciding with diet driven reductions in LDL, or that saturated fat reduction doesn’t decrease sdLDL concentrations, the fact remains that it has clearly been shown to elicit strong and significant reductions in the risk of CVD.
  • Most of the exceptions the authors present to strengthen their argument (CETP inhibitors, progestin and estrogen therapy, and Mediterranean diet interventions) are actually characterized by changes (or lack thereof) in CVD risk consistent with those seen in LDL, and others are explained by observed changes in other metrics known to influence risk.
  • While small, dense LDL can correlate strongly with increased CVD in univariate analysis, it typically fails to maintain predictive power after multivariate adjustment for triglycerides and HDL. This is likely because it is part of a broader pathophysiology (e.g. high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, increased LDL particle number, obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, metabolic syndrome) that accelerates atherosclerosis, not due to it have a greater intrinsic ability to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

4. The JACC review briefly discusses the role of dairy and meat from domesticated animals in human diets of the past, how many plant sources oils are relatively new with respect to these, and that process contaminants in these oils may elicit detrimental effects on health. It also mentions that the scientific community has failed to discover the “one true diet” to optimize metabolic health for all, that results of dietary intervention trials are inconsistent, and that genetics may modulate the relationship between saturated fat and certain health outcomes.

  • Aside from not providing any, or weak animal and mechanistic evidence for these points, many are fallacious and incredibly inappropriate in the context of determining population-level nutritional recommendations for supporting a healthy life.
  • The evidence on what constitutes a healthy dietary pattern is fairly strong and consistent, with most heterogeneity in outcomes from intervention trials being explained by differences in macronutrient quality, adherence, age, baseline, disease, and other well-acknowledged factors.
  • Genetic differences in responses to saturated fat discussed by the authors here don’t provide any rationale for dismissing its role in disease risks. If anything, it emphasises that some groups may benefit to an even greater extent than others.

5. They exclaim that the nutrients, food matrix, and chemical structure of fatty acids found in particular foods, such as full-fat dairy, unprocessed red meat, and dark chocolate, outweigh their saturated fat content and explain their supposed neutral or beneficial associations with CVD.

  • Except for dark chocolate (in moderate quantities), they fail to provide any evidence suggesting these characteristics meaningfully change their relationship with CVD/type 2 diabetes.
  • The evidence given for full-fat cheese and yogurt is riddled with problematic methodology, including adjustments for serum cholesterol, lack of consideration for comparators, and populations with low mean intakes that prevent meaningful observations of the resulting CVD risk from being made.
  • Isocaloric substitution of dairy fats with omega 6 fatty acids, alpha-linoleic acid, marine omega 3 fatty acids, and carbohydrates from whole grains significantly reduce CVD and stroke risk.
  • In accordance with these findings, controlled trials on cheese indicate it may increase LDL slightly less than butter, but only in those with baseline high values. However, it significantly increases LDL when compared to tofu, reduced-fat cheese, and egg whites. Trials specifically on yogurt are lacking, but those involving an increase in full-fat yogurt, cheese, and milk consumption reveal an LDL cholesterol-raising effect.
  • RCTs on red meat demonstrate a similar cholesterol-raising effect compared to lower saturated fat alternatives. Numerous meta-analyses and large pooled cohorts repeatedly demonstrate it significantly elevates CVD, type 2 diabetes, colorectal cancer, and stroke risk.

6. Furthermore, they posit that avoidance of these foods resulting from dietary recommendations to limit saturated fat intake will result in reduced intakes of important nutrients, other potentially beneficial components, and the ostensible reductions in disease risk, as well as elimination of important low cost, nutrient-dense foods to malnourished and elderly populations.

  • Lower fat alternatives to yogurt/cheese and unprocessed meat contain similar (and in some cases even greater) amounts of the nutrients the authors suggest individuals will be missing out on in the full-fat counterparts, so the importance of this point is questionable.
  • Additionally, there are numerous other foods, such as legumes, whole grains, tubers, nuts/seeds, and fish, that would offer a broad variety of nutrients and confer substantial protection against many of the most common chronic diseases rampant in current day societies.
  • The dietary guidelines aren’t directed towards subgroups such as the elderly and malnourished, again leaving one questioning why such remarks are being made. Regardless, the aforementioned foods could serve a similar role as cheap, nutrient-dense staples, and evidence suggests such patterns are associated with beneficial impacts on the health of the elderly.

7. Finally, authors conclude previous guidelines have a saturated fat bias, and that new guidelines should inform the public that foods rich in saturated fat may play a role in reaching nutritional recommendations, acknowledge that low-carbohydrate diets rich in saturated fat may improve metabolic disease endpoints, and should shift from the current paradigm that emphasizes the saturated fat content of foods as key for health towards one that focuses on healthy dietary patterns appropriate for different cultures and populations.

  • None of the evidence put forth by the review substantiates the existence of a “bias” against saturated fat, or that most of the foods they claim are neutral with respect to their impact on the risk of CVD and T2D.
  • No nutrients found in full-fat dairy, unprocessed red meat, or chocolate that can’t be sourced from lower fat alternatives or other health promoting foods are even discussed.
  • In addition to the reality that a high saturated fat intake is not a necessity for a lower carbohydrate diet, the authors only cite a single short term trial that suggests they possess any sort of a beneficial effect on metabolic disease endpoints, hardly enough to even spark interest, and nowhere near that required to justify incorporating into population-wide guidelines.
  • Even though the review incessantly attacks the dietary guidelines for giving advice centered only on nutrients, the reality is that they primarily emphasize exactly what the authors are demanding; specific foods and food groups that constitute a healthy dietary pattern. Only in addition to these do they offer specific nutrient recommendations that are based on the totality of the high-quality evidence, not an inherent bias.

The Origin of Recommendations to Reduce Saturated Fat Intake

The following paragraph states: “The relationship between dietary SFAs and heart disease has been studied in about 400,000 people and summarized in several systematic reviews of observational studies and randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Some meta-analyses find no evidence that reduction in saturated fat consumption may reduce CVD incidence or mortality (3–6), whereas others report a significant — albeit mild — beneficial effect (7,8). Based on this collection of research, they conclude that the basis for recommending a low saturated fat diet is unclear and that they intend to propose an evidence-based recommendation for intake of SFA food sources. Right from the start, the authors have demonstrated that they are not genuinely reaching their conclusions by considering the totality of the evidence. They mention five publications designed to observe the relationship between saturated fat and CVD that contain about 400,000 subjects. In reality, dozens of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of observational studies and RCTs encompassing millions of people indicate that reducing or replacing saturated fat with other nutrients results in significantly decreased CVD morbidity or mortality (8–19). Recent publications on this relationship include over double the number of participants they imply it has been studied in (16,18). While there are also a few additional reviews suggesting that it has no observable effect (20,21), along with those that the authors of the JACC review mention (2–5), they involve critical flaws that impair their ability to effectively assess the relationship between SFAs and CVD morbidity/mortality, and are heavily criticized. Following is a discussion of each of these trials, their respective pitfalls, and additional comments from other parties.

Inconsistent Results: A Cause for Confusion?

Harcombe et al., de Souza et al., Siri-Tarino et al, and Zhu et al.

Ramsden and Hamley

2020 Cochrane Review

Taking into account the extensive body of high-quality evidence from RCTs and observational trials that demonstrated a beneficial effect of reducing saturated fat intake on CVD morbidity and mortality, and the methodological flaws in conflicting studies, it should be incredibly clear the author’s statement about a lack of clarity regarding the basis for reducing saturated fat intake is preposterous.

Chemical Structure of Saturated Fatty Acids

The Effects of Saturated Fat on Health

Old Research, Shifting Dietary Patterns, and Lessons from Finland

Queue the War on Carbohydrates

PURE and UK Biobank

The Women’s Health Initiative, PREDIMED, and Faulty RCTs

LDL, Insulin Resistance, Carbohydrate Condemnation, and Circulating Fatty Acids

Questioning the Utility of Serum LDL-c

Honing in on sdLDL

Impact of Insulin Resistance on Atherosclerosis

Serum Fatty Acids and Carbohydrate Calumny

Imperfections in Nutritional Science, Ancestry, Nutrigenomics, and Process Contaminants

No “One True Diet”

The Relationship between Nutrition and Genetic and Relevance to Recommendations for Saturated Fat

Dairy Saturated Fat: Uniquely Non-Atherogenic?

Appeals to Ancestry

A Brief Digression on Coconut Oil

Process Contaminant Paranoia

Ostensible Problems with the AHA’s Presidential Advisory

Food Matrix, Saturated Fat, and their Connection to Health

Safe Sources of Saturated Fat?

Full Fat Dairy

To the author’s benefit, another earlier meta-analysis (80) showed a similar neutral association of yogurt and cheese with CVD, and another published this year demonstrated a significant inverse association (81), however no detail on the fat content, amount of intake, and overall diet composition of subjects was provided. This is problematic given that the details on the amounts, what the two are replacing, and the actual fat content are incredibly important to consider and could meaningfully influence the observations. The cohort they cite even exemplifies these points, showing that a higher intake of saturated fat from dairy (equivalent to 1–2 servings in the highest quintile depending on the source) is associated with a slight reduction in CVD risk, and that replacement of an equivalent amount from meat elicited a substantial RR of 0.75 (76). This gives some merit to their statements about the saturated fat content of foods not being the only determinant of its overall effect on health, yet it does not eliminate the possibility that cheese and yogurt contribute to CVD risk as they seem to suggest.

They also refer to a meta-analysis on circulating biomarkers of dietary fat intake, specifying that data from 4 cohorts showed those in the top vs bottom third of plasma measures of C17:0 (heptadecanoic acid) had a decreased risk of CHD (82). In addition to the issues present in the previously discussed meta-analyses, it has been acknowledged that C17:0 (along with C15, pentadecanoic acid) are poor indicators of dairy intake, and caution should be taken in interpreting any findings related to observations in epidemiological studies (83). Alongside their discussion centered around cheese/yogurt and CVD, authors briefly mention that some studies indicate higher whole-fat dairy consumption is associated with a lower risk of diabetes. Again providing an odd selection of citations; two literature reviews (84,85), the de Souza meta-analysis discussed earlier (which observed implications of serum Ct16:1n7 concentrations), and a cohort on circulating fatty acids (C15:0, C17:0, and Ct16:1n7) associated with dairy consumption and their relation to type 2 diabetes risk (86). While the latter two did suggest an inverse association between serum values of these fatty acids and T2D, and although it is much more likely that Ct16:1n7 correlates with dairy intake, others have raised concern that it is also unreliable (87), and these studies both fall victim to the numerous problems just discussed for those on CVD.

As an addendum, it is only fair to note that one of the sources the authors cited to support their CVD claims was a cohort pertinent to the assessment of diabetes risk changes resulting from substitutions between subgroups of dairy (78). This particular study had more data that allowed for further investigation, which revealed a few interesting details. Most striking was that the consumption of full-fat dairy products was incredibly low for yogurt, and a little less so for cheese. For yogurt and cheese, mean intakes were 0.05/0.08 and 1.38/1.47, and ranges were 0.01–0.88/0.01–0.60 and 0.48–3.39/0.46–3.44 servings per day for the two in men/women, respectively. No notable associations were found for cheese for all the substitutions tested; however substitution of low for whole-fat yogurt increased the risk of T2D, whereas substitution of whole fat yogurt for low-fat milk, whole-fat milk, and buttermilk all significantly reduced the risk. Given the low mean and ranges of intake, it seems highly likely that these findings are spurious at best, and further details only increase this likelihood. Looking over the radar charts provides insight as to the differences in the dietary profiles of those in the lowest and highest intakes of full-fat dairy. They reveal that a higher intake of full-fat dairy was associated with reduced intakes of red and processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages, butter, and greater fruit and vegetable intake. Taking this into account, although variables related to dietary factors are considered, given the extent of the differences in the low vs high full-fat dairy intake groups in conjunction with the very low range, it is unreasonable to make any firm conclusions from this particular study. A few additional meta-analyses had discordant results, with some showing inverse associations for cheese (88,89), another demonstrating no effect (90), and one showing an increase in risk (91). Unfortunately, none of these was stratified by fat content, although three of four showed no significant association when dividing dairy foods up between full and low-fat. Results for yogurt were similarly inconsistent, showing an inverse association with T2D in three meta-analyses (90–92), and no association in two (88,89). Like those on cheese, none of these was divided up into low and high-fat content sources. Factoring in all of these studies, it’s quite clear that the association is not nearly as strong as the authors make it out to be, being questionable at best.

The authors wrap up this paragraph by concluding, “Cheeses and yogurts consist of complex food matrices and major components include different fatty acids, proteins (whey and casein), minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphate), sodium, and phospholipid components of the milk fat globule membrane (115). Yogurt and cheese also contain probiotics and bacterially produced bioactive peptides, short-chain fatty acids, and vitamins such as vitamin K2. The complex matrix and components of dairy may explain why the effect of dairy food consumption on CVD cannot be explained and predicted by its content in SFAs.” One immediate point that warrants attention is that the authors make no effort to provide evidence that any of the components discussed here have relevance to dairy’s influence on health, CVD, or other notable outcomes. As such, any insinuation regarding these nutrients or other components is purely speculative. Also, quite ironic is that most of them are also present in low-fat yogurt/cheese (many even in larger amounts, i.e., whey and casein, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, etc.). Even if the saturated fat content was irrelevant, they make no real case for consuming full fat over low-fat/fat-free alternatives, and from the evidence discussed here, the latter seems to be associated with far more favorable outcomes.

Despite these points, it is only fair to acknowledge the authors do indeed appear to be correct that, at the very least, cheese and yogurt cannot be directly equated to other foods containing similar amounts of saturated fat. This is shown by the fact that feeding trials have consistently demonstrated that when compared to a diet lower in SF and higher in MUFA, PUFA, or carbohydrate, cheese raises LDL cholesterol to a lesser degree than butter providing an equivalent amount of saturated fat (93,94). However, this discrepancy seems to be present only in subjects with a high baseline LDL, as discussed by Brassard et al. in their 2017 publication. Furthermore, in a meta-analysis (95) observing comparisons to other foods, including reduced-fat cheese, tofu, and egg white, full-fat cheese tended to elicit significant increases in LDL cholesterol. Unfortunately, data on the impact of full-fat yogurt in isolation on LDL is pretty scarce. However, two trials, including a three or four-week intervention with high-fat cheese, yogurt, and milk, resulted in a significant increase in LDL95, or mitigation of the decrease observed following a lower fat intervention, even when coinciding with a massive increase in overall fiber intake and reduction in sugar intake compared to the low-fat intervention (96). If the food matrix or nutrient content of full-fat dairy such as cheese and yogurt affects their impact on cardiometabolic risk factors, the magnitude appears to be small and would likely not be of substantial importance. Taking into account inconsistent associations of full-fat cheese and yogurt with CVD/T2D, their ability to negatively influence LDL-c, the similar or superior nutrient profile of low-fat alternatives, and findings from pooled cohorts showing replacement of dairy fat with virtually all other sources of fat and carbohydrate reduce the risk of CVD, it is abundantly clear that current recommendations to limit SFAs from these two foods are appropriate.

Dark Chocolate

Unprocessed Red Meat

The first of the two meta-analyses of RCTs they refer to investigated how one half or more servings per day of red meat impacted CVD risk factors, particularly serum lipid and blood pressure values. This publication concludes that red meat did not significantly impact LDL, HDL, triglycerides, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure. This is a perfect example of the importance of not just taking results from RCTs at face value simply because it is referred to as the “gold standard” for nutritional science research. First, many of the trials intentionally used lean red meat for their comparison, which is not representative of consumers’ typical choices and detracts from the ability to determine the impact of naturally occurring saturated fat on a subject’s lipid and blood pressure values. Second, well over half of the trials involved adding red meat to one’s habitual diet or a diet designed to elicit weight loss. While the former is not necessarily an issue, failure to consider the baseline diet (energy intake, saturated/trans fat intake, cholesterol intake, and refined carbohydrate intake, among other factors) would prevent a reliable assessment of the impact of adding red meat from being made. If subjects maintained or decreased intake of these nutrients in the intervention, or lost weight, this would bias the results towards a null or even positive outcome given that weight loss and changes in these nutrients can affect blood pressure and lipids. Third, the comparators (food given to the control group) varied significantly, another potential source of issues since different foods or overall dietary patterns could impact lipid and blood pressure parameters. Finally, both groups’ mean final LDL concentrations were above the normal range (3.18 and 3.13 mmol/L for intervention and control). This gives merit to the theory that initial nutrient intake was subpar and had already given rise to lipid values, indicating that the conclusion red meat supposedly does not increase LDL is of limited value in this context. In a recent and far more thorough meta-analysis of RCTs on the same topic (106), many of these issues and their impact on observations were well-documented. This publication’s main finding was that replacing high-quality non-meat protein sources with red meat significantly increases LDL cholesterol, even considering diets designed to decrease lipid values. Another important note was that the total saturated fat content of the intervention diet containing red meat modulated the results, with any differences between LDL becoming non-significant from other comparator diets when total saturated fat intake was matched or lower in the intervention.

The second meta-analysis cited by the authors is shockingly even more concerning. The goal was to observe the effect of reducing unprocessed red meat consumption in RCTs of over six months duration on chronic disease morbidity and mortality (specifically cancer and CVD). First of all, an RCT is far from an appropriate model for assessing the impact of dietary habits on chronic disease incidence and mortality, as these are lifestyle diseases that take decades to develop and manifest. It is extraordinarily naive to believe that a randomized controlled trial would include enough participants or be carried out long enough in order to have the power to observe a significant change in these metrics. Further, the feasibility of doing so is reflected in the fact that this analysis includes a single trial, the Women’s Health Initiative trial. As expected, no significant impact of reducing red meat on the outcomes considered was observed. That being said, despite the immense limitations of using this approach, a difference of a single serving (~1.4) per week of red meat between groups, and adjustment for cholesterol in their analysis, the results were still borderline significant: “…all-cause mortality 0.99 [95% CI, 0.95 to 1.03]), cardiovascular mortality (HR, 0.98 [CI, 0.91 to 1.06]), and cardiovascular disease (HR, 0.99 [CI, 0.94 to 1.05])…little or no effect on total cancer mortality (HR, 0.95 [CI, 0.89 to 1.01]) and the incidence of cancer, including colorectal cancer (HR, 1.04 [CI, 0.90 to 1.20]) and breast cancer (HR, 0.97 [0.90 to 1.04]).” Once again, this fails to provide convincing evidence, if any at all, that red meat does not contribute to chronic disease risk.

Finally, the authors briefly mention that in a recent analysis of pooled prospective cohort studies, unprocessed red meat was associated with a small, significant increase in all-cause mortality and incident CVD, along with chicken and processed red meat. They did not disclose that this “small” association was for only two servings of red meat a week, under the average intake of all Americans, on top of almost 200 g processed meat and around 300 g chicken according to data for 1999–2016 from NHANES (107).

After bringing up this study, they move on to make another point and close the paragraph, as if this is all the evidence that exists on the subject. Red meat consumption has consistently been shown to significantly raise the risk of all-cause mortality, CVD, diabetes, colorectal cancer, and stroke in numerous meta-analyses and pooled results from large prospective cohorts (108–127). The extent to which the existing literature pertinent to this discussion was ignored is inexcusable, and the conclusion drawn by the authors was highly misleading. In an attempt to reconcile the results of the one publication they did mention suggesting it may be harmful, they reason that it is a major source of protein, bioavailable iron, minerals, and vitamins that may comprise an essential part of the diet for the elderly and low-income populations. Although considerations for specific demographics are important, the recommendations the authors are criticizing are meant to apply to the general population, which mostly is not composed of these individuals, so it seems odd to bring them up without any sort of prompting. Furthermore, focusing on nutrient content and the cost of a food while ignoring strong, consistent associations with increased risk of the most prevalent, life-threatening, or debilitating chronic diseases is myopic. What is also strange is that red meat is not typically considered a cheap food, and that there other nutrient-rich, low-cost foods with substantial health benefits, such as legumes, whole grains, and select nuts and seeds. A few studies on older populations underscore the protective effects of these legumes and the potential harm of higher meat intake (128–131). Henceforth, with this in mind, their points appear even less convincing.

Comments on Gaps in Research and Potentially Distracting Dietary Guidelines

Closing Remarks

Processed Foods and Saturated Fat Bias

Missing the Mark

Moving on to their postulation about a “long-standing bias” against foods with saturated fat and the subsequent plea for the creators of the guidelines to reconsider their suggestions to reduce total saturated fat intake, there is just no substantial evidence for either of these. The suggestion there exists of some sort of bias is entirely unsubstantiated, and the totality of the evidence indicates that no such reconsideration is needed. In addition to the robust evidence from numerous meta-analyses already discussed, the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition’s recent 2019 report concluded that based on 47 systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and pooled analyses on saturated fat intake (mainly from desserts, full-fat dairy, and meat/meat products), there is no need to modify the recommendations to limit saturated fat to less than 10% of calorie intake. Furthermore, a reduction beyond this amount would impose significant population-level health benefits (132). Next, their claim that many foods that play a role in meeting dietary and nutritional recommendations may also be high in saturated fat is just as baseless, especially considering that low-fat and fat-free versions of the products they are speaking about (dairy and meat specifically) are just as rich in nutrients, if not more so than their higher fat counterparts. Furthermore, numerous other nutrient-dense and health-promoting foods, many recommended by the current guidelines, are available. Their second central point about low carbohydrate diets high in saturated fat being useful for managing body weight and improving metabolic disease endpoints, and that health effects of dietary carbohydrate depend on the amount, type and quality of carbohydrate, food sources, degree of processing, etc., is of even less relevance. Not only did they provide absolutely no evidence in support of low carbohydrate diets eliciting weight loss or improvements in metabolic disease endpoints “in some people,” but the latter points are also subsumed in the current recommendations for healthy eating patterns provided by the USDA/DHHS. Their third and fourth points once again falsely characterize the guidelines, both asserting that the current paradigm only emphasizes the saturated fat and macronutrient content of foods and fails to include culture-sensitive dietary patterns, which as highlighted numerous times at this point, is just untrue.

While the authors of this state of the art review make some bold claims, including that saturated fat limits are arbitrary, that numerous foods rich in SFAs have no association with CVD or diabetes, and that the guidelines should emphasize food-based recommendations for healthy dietary patterns, they fall incredibly short of corroborating them. The evidence they provide in an attempt to do so is weak, inconsistent, and many times even contradicts their claims. They continually misrepresent the studies being presented and the current dietary guidelines. Additionally, they put forth speculative claims stemming from animal or in vitro/vivo models and make misleading statements that will create more confusion amongst the public. Current evidence makes a consistent and robust case for reducing saturated fat, especially from red meat, to decrease morbidity and mortality from diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Although they do raise the important point of factoring the quantity and quality of foods into dietary guidelines intended to minimize disease and support long, healthy life, such considerations are already made by those currently in place. While the current guidelines may not be perfect, they are much better than this review’s authors make them out to be, and do not require most of the adjustments they suggest.

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